Learning to learn

Here you've got B06 Jardunaldien bloga.  so that you may get some info about the talks and good practice presentations that have taken place.

Education Scotland also offer interesting ideas and resources in his Approaches to Learning site.

In addition to that, this Resource Guide for Secondary Foreign Language Educators may be downloaded clicking on the link! It is really interesting and practical!

Visiting museums on line: The Art Project

Do you know the Art Project? It is a wonderful tool for students to explore different museums from around the world and discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels:

Arts Alive

Click on the picture to visit this Canadian site where lots of ideas and resources may be found to work on drama, music and dance.

Welcome to the seminar

This blog has particularly been created to be used as a meeting point for teachers involved in our Learning in a CLIL context  seminar , so that we may exchange views, worries, all types of ideas and resources.  It will be up to us how useful it becomes and I think it will be a success!
Please, feel free to comment anything you wish/ ask about something you need, so that we all may  help each other!